Protect your immune system this Winter with Dr Fred's immune boosting plan

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes


Winter is the season when our immune systems need extra attention. Dr. Fred shares his top strategies for strengthening your immune system this winter, including diet tips, immune-boosting supplements, and lifestyle changes. He also highlights the power of Manuka honey as a natural remedy. Read on for a comprehensive guide to staying healthy through the colder months.


We have never needed our immune systems more. By creating a strong immune system for yourself, you can be assured that no matter what comes along, your body will be prepared to fight it and keep you healthy.

As winter approaches, so does cold and flu season. Each year, roughly 50 million Americans will get the flu, and I don’t want you to be one of them. Let’s review some of the many ways that you can help your immune system help you.

1. Eat Healthy Foods

First things first: Make sure you are eating healthy foods. I am a big fan of a lower carbohydrate way of eating. But, even if you aren’t and no matter what dietary program you follow, there is one consensus that every nutrition expert can agree upon — sugar is the main culprit in weakening our immune system.

In fact, one teaspoon of sugar can reduce the ability of your white blood cells (one of the key players in your immune system) to do its job by 56%. Two teaspoons reduce it by 80%. The average American eats up to 33 teaspoons of sugar daily, so you can see why so many of us get sick each year.

2. Manuka Honey: A Key Immune Fighter

What I am about to tell you next might seem counter-intuitive, but allow me to explain. One of my key immune fighters that I turn to each winter and always have on hand is Manuka honey. Yes, I know that honey is sugar, but this Manuka honey has some pretty cool health benefits.

Read More: How does Manuka honey work inside the body?

Manuka honey is a type of honey native to New Zealand. It’s produced by bees who pollinate the flower Leptospermum scoparium, commonly known as the manuka bush.

Manuka honey’s antibacterial properties are what set it apart from traditional honey. Methylglyoxal is its active ingredient most likely responsible for these antibacterial effects. Manuka also has anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidant benefits—all the things you need to keep your immune system at its peak.


Dr Fred and Manuka Honey

3. Nutritional Supplements for Immune Support

Here are some of my go-to nutritional supplements:

  • Vitamin D3: This vitamin has been shown to be a keen immune enhancer, along with many other health properties. You need to keep your levels high, so I recommend a daily dose of 5000 IU per day. Personally, I take 10,000 IU per day.

  • Olive Leaf: A great anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory, among other properties. I recommend 500 mg per day, or if you feel a cold coming on, increase that to three times per day.

  • Oil of Oregano: Contains compounds called phenols, terpenes, and terpenoids, which act as nature’s own antibacterial and antifungal agents. I recommend 500 mg of the dried form or a few drops of the liquid per day.

  • Vitamin C: Nature’s original antioxidant and one that is still a winner in my book. We don’t produce any vitamin C naturally, so it is important to take it daily. The best dose is around 3000 mg per day, divided into doses.

  • Zinc: Be careful not to take too much of this or you could wind up with a bad stomach ache. 50 mg per day is good enough.

  • Vitamin A: This helps to protect the lining of the respiratory tract. So, in cold/flu season, a good dose is 10,000 to 25,000 mcg per day.

Obviously, these are just my top picks. This list could be exhaustive, but it is the list I have successfully used in my practice for almost 30 years—every cold and flu season. My patients love me for it!

4. Lifestyle Changes to Boost Immunity

Lastly, let’s not forget about lifestyle changes that aid our immune systems as well:

  • Quit Smoking: If you are a smoker, try to quit or at least cut down.

  • Get Enough Sleep: Sleep is restorative for our bodies and also is the time when our immune system gets to clean up from what we expose it to in our normal course of life.

  • Wash Your Hands: Make sure you wash your hands frequently with warm soap and water. It is one of the best ways to prevent sharing germs with your friends and loved ones.

Read More: Supercharge your immune system


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