Defend your immune system with Manuka and Buckwheat honey syrup

Top experts are recommending Manuka Doctor’s Immune Defence Syrup this Winter. But why is this hero product proving so popular in the colder months?

In this blog Manuka Doctor expert and medical Dr Michelle Braude explains.

“As the nights start to draw in and the temperature drops, it’s clear we’re transitioning to that time of year when we often feel more lethargic, run down and prone to picking up colds and other bugs.”

“Now more than ever it’s so important to look after ourselves from the inside out to do everything we possibly can to keep our immunity in top form.

“I always encourage my clients to ramp things up as soon as the colder months begin, rather than leaving it until they actually get ill as prevention is better than cure.

“The best new habits are the ones that are easiest to stick to, which is why I am a huge fan of Manuka and Buckwheat Honey Syrup with Lemon, Ginger & Propolis from Manuka Doctor. It’s the perfect winter syrup & so easy to add into your daily routine.”

So what does this wonder product contain?

Buckwheat Honey

This natural honey is made by bees that collect nectar from buckwheat flowers which are rich in important vitamins, making it a good natural food supplement for general health [1]. One study in the United States found that a single dose of buckwheat honey administered to children presenting with a cough caused by respiratory infections like colds before they went to sleep caused a significant improvement in reducing cough frequency compared to over-the-counter cough medicine [2].

Manuka Honey (300 MGO monofloral)

As you’d expect, our Immune Defence Syrup contains our high strength (MGO 300) Manuka Honey sourced from Manuka Doctor hives in New Zealand. Our Manuka Honey contains the active ingredient methylglyoxal (MGO), derived from dihydroxyacetone (DHA) which is naturally present in the nectar of the Manuka Bush. The MGO that is present in our Manuka Honey is widely known for its anti-microbial activity [3].

To take, simply pour 2 teaspoons (5ml each) upto 4 times a day. The syrup has a consistency like a cough syrup. It’s lemon and ginger flavour being a natural accompaniment to the two types of honey.

But as well as these two different types of honey, Immune Defence Syrup is also formulated with extra vitamins. Dr Michelle explains more.

“This product contains both Vitamin B12 and Vitamin C which not only support our immune systems, but also help our bodies with many other processes, such as a well functioning nervous system, collagen production for healthy skin, joints & muscles and lots more.

“Plus it also includes Biotin which gives support for the delicate mucous membranes when you need it most. Oh... and Biotin is also amazing for healthy strong hair & nails.”

More than 151 reviews on also show this product comes highly recommended by real verified customers. With a huge 94 per cent who wrote a review saying they would recommend Immune Defence Syrup to others.

As Dr Michelle concludes: “If you’re looking for a delicious winter pick-me-up to give your immune system some extra love, this product is definitely one to pick up today”.

You can stock up on Immune Defence Syrup now by clicking here.


  1. Brusie, C. Everything You Need to Know About Buckwheat Honey. Healthline; 2017 April 5.
  1. Paul IM, Beiler J, McMonagle A, Shaffer ML, Duda L, Berlin CM. Effect of honey, dextromethorphan, and no treatment on nocturnal cough and sleep quality for coughing children and their parents. Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine. 2007 Dec 1;161(12):1140-6.
  1. Atrott J, Henle T. Methylglyoxal in manuka honey—correlation with antibacterial properties. Czech Journal of Food Sciences. 2009 Jan 1;27(S1):S163-5.